Doctors Academy

Doctors Academy Publications
Practical Otolaryngology for Junior Doctors

This book is designed to guide the junior doctor through an Otolaryngology (ENT) rotation from the first referrals to the practical procedures carried out on a daily basis. ENT departments throughout the world will have different ways of managing particular conditions; however, this book will give the user a framework to deliver good quality clinical care and develop skills with confidence wherever one is working. All information is presented in an easy to digest format to give a handy reference guide on how to manage the hugely varied conditions that are dealt with by Otolaryngology. This makes the book an ideal companion to keep in an on-call bag or clinic room. The advice provided in this book is practical and very clear, with good explanations about simple procedures for settling difficult situations. Information is also provided about looking after patients on the ward following common ENT/Head and Neck operations. An ENT junior doctor should feel more confident quickly after checking through this book for advice, as well as knowing when to escalate a problem to a more knowledgeable senior doctor, if the patient is not improving.

"This book will be an excellent resource for all junior doctors just starting their first post in ENT surgery, often in a busy department with very little, if any, previous ENT experience whilst in medical school". Mr. Derek Skinner, FRCS Ec, FRCS (Orl) Eng, FCSHK Director of Education, ENT UK.

List of topics
  • Section 1: Practical and Examination Skills in ENT
    • Oral, Head and Neck Examination
    • Nose Examination
    • Ear Examination
    • Nasal Cautery
    • Anterior Nasal Packing
    • Posterior Nasal Packing
    • Flexible Nasendoscopy
    • Foreign Body Removal
    • Drainage of Quinsy
    • Tracheostomy Care
    • Pure Tone Audiometry
    • Aural Anaesthesia
    • External Nasal Anaesthesia
  • Section 2: The Emergency Department
    • Airway Obstruction
    • Neck Trauma
    • Post-tonsillectomy Haemorrhage
    • Epistaxis
    • Mastoiditis
    • Acute Tonsillitis
    • Foreign Body (Throat)
    • Quinsy (Peritonsillar Abscess)
    • Periorbital Cellulitis
    • Acute Salivary Gland Swellings
    • Ear Lacerations
    • Nasal Lacerations
    • Pinna Haematoma / Seroma
  • Section 3: Common ENT Acute Referrals / Rapid Access Clinic:
    • Equipment needed for a Rapid Access Clinic
    • Otitis Externa
    • Sudden Hearing Loss
    • Unilateral Facial Weakness
    • Fractured Nose
    • Aural Foreign Body
    • Rhinosinusitis
    • Acute Otitis Media
    • Tympanic Membrane Perforation
    • Dizziness
    • Tinnitus
  • Section 4: Ward Cover
    • Otology
    • Rhinology
    • Head and Neck Surgery
    • Parotid Surgery
    • Submandibular Gland Surgery
    • Oropharyngeal Surgery
    • Pharyngoscopic Procedures

ISBN: 978-93-80573-07-6

Print Copy
£ 13.49

Authors’ details

Mr. Thomas Frederick Charles Saunders, MRCS (ENT)
Core Surgical Trainee
West Midlands Deanery, UK

Mr. Alistair Mitchell-Innes, MRCS, DOHNS
Speciality Registrar in ENT Surgery
West Midlands Deanery, UK

Mr. Duncan Bowyer, MRCS (ENT)
Consultant ENT Surgeon
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, UK

Mr. Derek Skinner, FRCS Ec, FRCS (Orl) Eng, FCSHK
Consultant ENT Surgeon
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, UK
Chair of the Education & Training Committee, ENT UK

Print copy (Soft back)
  • Print Copy: 96 pages
  • Multicolor printing on Glossy Art paper
  • Laminated Art Paper (cover page)
  • Doctors Academy Publications
  • 1st Edition: April 2015

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