Doctors Academy

Doctors Academy Publications
Ethics and Medico-Legal Essentials for Undergraduate OSCEs

Many students find the Ethics and Medico-legal OSCE stations particularly challenging in the final exam. This handbook addresses issues including capacity, consent, child protection, psychiatric illness and death certification by giving examples for each station. Each chapter offers a breakdown of the issues raised by the station, clarifies and contextualises key issues, summarises the relevant guidelines and explains key principals within the clinical context. This book will thus provide the student with strategies to successfully negotiate these challenging stations in a thoughtful, informed and systematic manner.

List of topics
  • Capacity and consent in under 18s
  • Assessing capacity
  • Maximising capacity
  • Refusal of consent
  • Non-psychiatric treatment of patients under “Section”
  • Confidentiality between professions
  • Breaking the news of STI
  • Driving and Diabetes
  • Child protection
  • Discussions with a relative
  • A colleague confides in you
  • A colleague under the influence
  • A bullying colleague
  • An inappropriate colleague?
  • Ethics of Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Orders
  • Death certification

ISBN: 978-93-80573-04-5

Print Copy
£ 13.99

Electronic copy
£ 8.99
(Ref. EML01)

(Use official Kindle App to view in iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire HD and Windows 8)

Authors’ details

Dr. Vanessa Clay BSc (Hons), MBChB (Hons)

Dr. Cassandra Sobajo BSc, MSc (Dist), MBChB

Dr. Richard Taylor BA (Hons), MBChB (Hons)

Print copy (Soft back)
  • Print Copy: 130 pages
  • Multicolor printing on Glossy Art paper
  • Laminated Art Paper (cover page)
  • Doctors Academy Publications
  • 1st Edition: March 2009
  • 2nd Edition: April 2011
  • eBook: 130 pages
  • Operating System Independent Online Edition
  • Viewable using any device (PC, laptop, smart phones and tablets)
  • Needs an active Internet connection and supporting flash
  • Cannot be downloaded for off-line viewing
  • Doctors Academy Publications
  • 1st Edition: March 2009
  • 2nd Edition: April 2011

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